31 juillet 2011

New stuff.


 Quelques trucs que j'ai achetée il n'y a pas longtemps. :) Few things that I bought lately.
Jupe/skirt: Sirens  Collier/Necklace: Sirens  Bracelets/bangles: Ardene  Vernis/nail polish: L.A Colors  ( Je n'avais même pas de vernis noir!! Honte a moi..) (I didn't had a black nail polish!! Shame on me..)

2 commentaires:

  1. some really cool things. I love the necklace and the nail polish, I need to get a black nail polish too! :) x


  2. Thank you :) Black nail polish is SO practical, because you can wear it with EVERYTHiG! :)
