30 juillet 2011

Yellow is the new black.

Tous les grands noms de ce monde ont adoptés cette couleur joyeuse qui reflète parfaitement l'été. Je la préfère en petites doses comme en bijoux, en ceintures, en sac ou même en chaussures. Mais pas en chandails, alors la JAMAiS. Le jaune fait bien a quelques rares personnes seulement... 

All the big names in the world have adopted this cheerful color that perfectly reflects summer time. I prefer it in small doses like jewelry, belts, bags or even shoes. But not on t-shirt, never EVER. Yellow is good only for few people...

5 commentaires:

  1. Thanx for the lovely comment on my blog. I really like this post. I love how everyone has adopted yellow, makes everything alot more cheerful I think! Would love if you followed my blog. Thanx, x


  2. Ahaha ur welcome! :) & thanks! Btw, I'm already following ur blog xoxo

  3. Oh yes yellow is definetely the new black. I've been to Berlin Fashion Week and there will be much yellow next summer too. Have you also seen this cute yellow dress of the latest H&M campaign? I think I'll buy it! :)


  4. You've been to Berlin fashion week! :O Lucky you :) Maybe I'll go this year to Montreal fashion week.. :) & no I haven't seen it.. Can you please give me the link? :)
